Tag Archives: rants

Articles about dealing with frustration posted on TexasHomesteader.com

Fire Danger: Locked Doors? Blocked Exits? SAY SOMETHING!!

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Do you often see high chairs stacked in front of the emergency fire exit at a restaurant? Or wonder why one of the two doors into/out of the restaurant are always locked?

Someone please help this make sense for me. Why do so many business have TWO doors to their establishments only to have one locked at all times?? 

We’ve even run across some businesses that post a permanent sign to inform patrons to use the other door forever! 

When you go to a restaurant, do you notice the emergency exits? Are they blocked? Locked?? This is a life-or-death fire safety issue! #TexasHomesteader

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Audio/Visual Advertising Bombardment

by Texas Homesteader

Is it just me, or has the audio level of the advertising sector gotten crazy? 

Picture this: You’re cuddled on the couch watching a romantic movie with your Honey. And after only about 10-15 minutes of movie entertainment it’s time for the station to take an advertising break.

Has anyone else ever noticed the difference in volume level between that movie and a commercial for, say, a car dealership? The movie is at a comfortable listening level but the screaming salesman & flashing BUY NOW of the commercial is crazy.

RancherMan & I both race for the MUTE button on the remote control. It wouldn’t be so bad if they would just talk about their product. But it’s the loud way in which they do so that drives me bonkers.

Has the advertising sector gone completely crazy? Motion-activated audio/visual screens blaring at grocery stores, gas stations and more #TexasHomesteader

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