Category Archives: Homesteading Lifestyle

Self Sufficiency on a Texas Homestead

Welcome, Little One

A new calf is born on a snowy day on the Homestead. #TexasHomesteader

This summer we purchased a couple of bred stocker cows.  We wanted to be able to stay flexible with our permanent herd numbers (our registered Hereford herd) while still utilizing some of our pasture excess.  Our plan was to run these bred stockers in our pastures until they calve, then re-evaluate pasture conditions.  If we still had plenty of grass we would retain them a little longer, but if we wanted to reduce our numbers we would sell the pair and still leave our permanent herd numbers untouched.  Unfortunately these are hard-learned lessons from suffering two years of drought in a row.  In 2011 the drought in NE Texas was so severe we were forced to reduce our stocking numbers.  It was emotionally painful to be forced to sell some of our hand-picked registered Hereford girls.  We now keep our permanent herd numbers at well below stocking rate and fill in the gaps with temporary stocker cows and calves.

Although the other bred stocker cow is long gone, the white stocker cow just calved today.  As any rancher knows, the unspoken rule in ranching is that a cow will typically calf in the worst possible weather. Although our stocker cow missed that rule by only a few hours, I’m not sure you can convince this little guy that 28 degrees today is actually better than the heavy snow & blowing frigid wind of last night! Welcome to our ranch Little One.


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Appreciation For A Gentle Herd

A gentle Hereford bull. #TexasHomesteader

Many of you know we recently had troubles with a destructive stocker calf. We had a stocker cow/calf pair that jumped the fence to our neighbor’s pasture try as we may we could not round them back up and bring them to our own pasture again.  We had to hire professional wranglers on horseback to come round them up and load them onto our trailer for us.  In the process of separating them, they ran with the rest of our neighbor’s herd and crashed through fence after fence, destroying all in their path and requiring several days to finally get all bovines to their  rightful pastures. We’re still in the process of repairing all the broken fences!

Of course that destructive calf no longer resides at our ranch, but the troubling experience makes me all the more appreciative for our permanent Hereford herd. Since we interact with our cattle daily they do not see us a foe but as mindful and careful caregivers. Such handing assures our herd is calm and stress free. We enjoyed a familial visit this weekend and I’m perfectly comfortable with my young granddaughter interacting with our herd (with supervision of course). Our Herefords know that life is good at our homestead.

Pushing a baby calf where you want it to go is like trying to push cooked spaghetti across the table in a straight line. LOL #TexasHomesteader