Hairstyle Simplicity On The Homestead – Lilla Rose!

by Texas Homesteader ~

Several years ago I saw a one-piece infinity-shaped hair clip in my sister-in-law’s hair and I loved it. It was so pretty, so feminine.  I asked her where she got it but she said she couldn’t remember, that she’d had it for years.

Several weeks later I stumbled upon an image of Lilla Rose FlexiClips and excitedly realized that’s the type of clip my SIL had worn!  I bought a couple of those hair clips for myself. Even though I felt they were kinda pricey for a hair clip at about $11 – $15, I found that I loved them.  I ended up buying several more in a couple of different sizes. They’re so feminine and so easy to use – especially when I just wanna sweep my hair back without fussing too much. Y’all know I hate fuss!

Although I bought all my Lilla Rose Flexi Clips myself years ago, Marie over at Lilla Rose offered to send me a sample of the ‘Bobbie’s’ – cute little decorative bobby pins.  But this review is based on my own personal experience with my Lilla Rose FlexiClip hair accessories and there’s no expectation of a falsely-positive review.  I’m gonna tell it like it is, y’all!

Oh how I envy ladies with thick or curly hair but that’s surely not my reality.  Alas, my hair is baby fine and straight as a board. My pony tail is eensy so it’s not thick at all!   Many of those super-cute hairstyles just don’t look the part with my fine hair.

Plus although I’d love the look of pretty braids & fancy hairstyles & such, we run a ranch here & I’m lazy errrr, I mean efficient with my daily hair coif. I need just a quick style before I head out the door in the mornings.  My preferred style is to sweep all my hair up and out of my way.  So I often simply twist it into a french twist & pin it all up with a size small FlexiClip as shown in the photo above.  It’s efficient & I think it looks pretty that way.  Plus if I’m using my FlexiClip it’s fancy enough for steppin’ out too.  A one-minute hairdo that’s both easy & feminine.  That’s a win/win for me!

But RancherMan loves my hair down.  So I often compromise by having my hair pulled back in what’s called a ‘half up’ where only the sides are pulled up, yet the back is left down.  I bought the smallest Mini-Size FlexiClip for my half-up style.   Even with my baby-fine hair this mini-size clip keeps my hair in place all day.  This hairstyle pleases him yet still keeps my hair out of my face during my busy day.  And I think it’s pretty too!

I’ve also read many reviews touting how gentle these clips are for your hair.  Some of you know, some do not – I was diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2013.  I’ve been told that after a major surgery like that your hair & skin take a powerful hit for quite a while.  Back then I’d just purchased my FlexiClips and used them almost daily for months after my surgery when I decided to go in for a haircut.  Despite babying my hair to try to get it back into shape it was straw-like with lots of split ends.  My hair stylist noted that in addition to the split ends I had lots of broken hair at the back of my crown where my hair would have been pinned up.

She asked if I’d been using rubber bands for pony tails which often causes that kind of damage.  I told her I never use bands of any kind except thick scrunchy’s.  So I’m not sure if the FlexiClip had anything to do with that damage or if it was just the physical pop from my surgery.  I’ve not noticed that kind of damage in the last several years though so I’m presuming the ravages of surgery on the body was the culprit.

I’m still loving & wearing my FlexiClips several times each week.  For today’s review I’ve teamed up with Marie, a stylist for Lilla Rose.  She says that sizing the clip to your hair type & length is important to your ultimate satisfaction with using it.  She also cautions that most ladies think they need a larger clip than they really need. Although she offers a 90-day sizing guarantee, it’s best to pick the correct size the first time but it’s easy!


I know what she means about that – years ago when I bought mine I questioned whether the smallest mini-sized clips were really what I’d need.  I mean, those are tiny sized for kids, right?  But I ended up going with the sizing recommendation and it was spot on with my baby-fine hair for the half-up style I wanted.  My french twist is done using the Small sized FlexiClip.  So don’t be tempted to get a larger clip than recommended for your hair.  Here’s a video to make it easy for you to decide based on your own hair type and length.

Lilla Rose Sizing & Styles

The ladies in my family love these FlexiClips as well and over the years they’ve purchased several for themselves too. But now I’m seeing several other options besides the FlexiClips such a hair pins, bands, bobbies, etc.  For me the FlexiClip is still my favorite, but it looks like there’s something for everyone.

Be sure to check Marie’s inventory of Lilla Rose Hair Accessories.  You can check out Marie’s Facebook Page too.  Tell ’em Taylor-Made Homestead sent ya!


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30 thoughts on “Hairstyle Simplicity On The Homestead – Lilla Rose!

  1. Erin Hart

    I would love to win a flexi-clip! Thanks for the opportunity.

  2. Jamie

    As a mom of two under six I would love to have this. We also homeschool, would be nice to use one of these instead of the ponytail. Thanks for the chance to win one, they are beautifuly designed.

  3. Teresa

    I also ha ve fine hair that I put for easy care. Would love to win one and try them.

  4. Angela W.

    These hair accessories look lovely. I hope to win, got long hair and love following your blog and cook from scratch myself. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      Oh how I’d love to have long, beautiful hair Angela! But your hair would be absolutely stunning in one of these clips. Good luck!! ~TxH~

  5. Sue

    I too, suffer from the fix and forget sydrome… I’m to oldish to fuss, ya know?

    beautiful pieces. thx for the links, and the giveaway.

  6. Amalya

    I have to say that it is true that these are hard to find. But if you did snatch them up. They are awesome! And practically indestructible! Have had mine for almost a decade. Literally! Wear extra small for half up, medium for twist, and small for pony tail. Trying to grow hair out and want to try the you pins next.

  7. Patricia B.

    Would love to win one of these clips to try in my hair. They are very pretty and look easy to use.

  8. Diva Odete Kreszl

    Absolutely love this, what a pretty and convenient way to pull up my hair!


    These clips are beautiful.I know ladies who wear nothing but these. Their hair stays up all day long and looks great. Thanks for the chance.

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      I love mine too Zelda and you’re right, hair stays up all day long & looks great. Good luck! ~TxH~

  10. Rhonda

    I had never heard of this company before. They have some really nice looking products!

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      I never had either until I stumbled upon the photo of the hair clip in my SIL’s hair. I love these! Good luck, Rhonda. ~TxH~

  11. Cindy

    Beautiful hair clips! Thank you for introducing us to these products!

  12. Cindy McElroy

    I really like my flexi clips. I would like to try one of the leather ones. Thanks for hosting a great giveaway.

  13. Shelley

    Lilla Rose flexi clips are so pretty! I have baby fine hair too. It does make it hard to do anything much as far as pretty hairstyles.

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      Yeah it does, Shelley. LOL. But these make a quick yet pretty hairstyle even for us gals with that baby fine hair. Good luck with the contest! ~TxH~

  14. Melissa

    I would love to see a set of bobbis for myself. I have bought u-pins & clips for my kids, but haven’t found anything for me yet đŸ™‚

    1. Texas Homesteader Post author

      The bobbies are new to me too Melissa. I can’t wait to try ’em out. Good luck with the contest! ~TxH~

  15. ColleenB.~Texas

    If only I still had long hair. I wouldn’t be able to wear one for my hair so will let my daughter choose and be gifted to her. They are all so pretty
    Thanks for this great giveaway opportunity..


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