Everyone has a dream but we’re so blessed that our dream has finally come true. RancherMan & I had the good life – we lived in Dallas and had a nice home, bright children, promising careers and all that qualifies for the good ‘ole American life in suburbia.
We were in close proximity to entertainment and restaurants, museums and parks, movie theaters and concert halls. But after awhile it felt like we were doing the same thing every day and we no longer felt fulfilled. We wanted something more.
When we found this piece of paradise in Northeast Texas we knew this would be where our future was to be found.
As we stood next to the cobbled-together gate and viewed the overgrown and cluttered property, the old and broken fences and the tattered 1880’s barn, it was apparent that we had LOTS of work ahead of us! But with renewed hope of a new and exciting future we took that leap and purchased the property.
We decided that we liked the old-time look of the Hereford breed. So soon thereafter we contacted a breeder and purchased our very first registered Hereford pairs.
One step at a time we drew closer and closer to the life we dreamed we could live.
Living where we do has taught me a new appreciation for the beauty God has blessed us with each and every day.
I notice the small things more – the beauty of the first tiny spring flowers to peek out from the sleeping grass, the graceful hawk that calls to her young as she teaches them to fly, and the amazing array of colors present on a butterfly’s wings. I try to be as gentle as I can as I tread on this land and in this life.
I’ve learned to improve our garden soil so that I can produce more of what we eat & to preserve the rainfall for garden irrigation.
I’ve learned about the price paid for convenience foods in currency, health and environmental terms and I’ve begun to make many of those things myself in a healthier & less expensive manner.
I’ve become so much more aware of my environmental self, and I’m pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to make small changes that have a real impact.
One step at a time I find that I’m rediscovering myself. I’ve heard the phrase “Bloom where you’re planted” and I’m so blessed to have been planted here!
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago RancherMan suggested I start writing a blog to exercise my mind while my body was healing from tests, procedures & surgeries.
But I find I found I really, REALLY like sharing our way of life with y’all and continue writing even though I’ve kicked cancer to the curb!
On this website I hope to share a wide range of posts. There is of course the joy of a new calf and the worry of droughts and floods but I’ll also share a glimpse into daily life on the homestead.
Whether it’s spending time in the garden, canning that excess produce or puttering in the kitchen whipping up simple yet delicious meals, I’ll share it here. So sit back & enjoy the ride – we love it and so will you!
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