Category Archives: Food Preserving

Preserving food through dehydration, freezing, drying or canning. #TexasHomesteader

Homemade Grape Jelly Recipe Without Added Pectin (Includes Optional Canning Instructions)

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Deep purple Concord grapes make a very flavorful homemade grape jelly. I’m sharing the lazy-cook’s way to make simple grape jelly without adding pectin. I’m even including the easiest way to preserve it longer-term by simple water-bath canning. Delicious, homemade and makes a great gift idea too.

Homemade Grape Jelly or Jam made with purple Concord grapes. #TexasHomesteader

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How To Make Homemade Jerky Strips & Snack Sticks

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I’ve been very pleased at how easy and inexpensive it is to make our own jerky at home. We use a mixture of ground meat, seasonings and ‘cure’. You can use either ground meat or strips of steak to make jerky. But we decided to make  wild-game jerky using venison and elk.

Homemade jerky made easy using ground beef or wild game meat #TexasHomesteader

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Dehydrating Cubed Potatoes For Preparedness Food Storage

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I always have a couple of jars of dehydrated cubed potatoes in my pantry. From a preparedness standpoint I love to have dehydrated food available.

Jars of dehydrated food aren’t dependent upon electricity to keep them preserved like when storing food in a freezer. Dehydrating cubed potatoes for the pantry, an easy way to preserve the excess! A Mother Earth News post. #TexasHomesteader

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Easy Homemade Applesauce A Delicious Zero-Waste Treat

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

Applesauce is a staple in my Homestead kitchen. But even though I use it often I don’t buy it, oh no! It’s super easy and nearly effortless to make your own applesauce.

And the lowly slow cooker makes it so easy too. Check it out!

EASY HOMEMADE SLOW-COOKER APPLESAUCE recipe - it's easy to make homemade applesauce with fresh apples! #TexasHomesteader

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Canning Instructions For Homemade Broth

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

It’s easy, inexpensive & healthy to make homemade nutritious bone broth yourself. To preserve broth you can freeze it – or pressure can it to make it shelf stable. 

Don’t be intimidated by a pressure canner, y’all. Canning broth is easy.

Preserve your homemade broth. Use a pressure canner when canning broth. It's easy and your reward is jars of homemade broth for months #TexasHomesteader

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How To Dehydrate Fresh Pumpkin To Use All Year Long

by Texas Homesteader ~ 

I like to dehydrate fresh pumpkin. It’s so easy to do, y’all. And unlike storing pumpkin puree in the freezer, dehydrated pumpkin can set right on your pantry shelf in a sealed jar, it uses no additional energy to store.

Come see how easy it is! 

Learn how to dehydrated fresh garden pumpkin puree. #TexasHomesteader


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